Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mom Vs Maid

There's this video that's been circulating over social medias about how maids know more about the kids than their own moms.I could only bring myself to watch halfway through the interview.It breaks my heart into tiny pieces!

Well,mostly because it resonates well with me!I have two kids and a helper at home to take care of them while i'm slaving away to the vicious,non forgiving corporate world.

Despite the obvious cons that the kids spend more time with the helper during the day,having a helper at home bring more pros.First,you don't have to worry about house chores and you actually have more time to spend with the kids after work.It's not about how long you spend time with the kids but how well you spend the time with them.

I'm probably in denial but i think i know my kids as much as my helper does break my heart that sometimes my boy sleeps better when she puts him to sleep but my guts tell me,he fusses because he wants my attention.

This is probably the working mom guilt doing all the talking but if i can,i'd quit my job and raise them on my own but that is not the ideal situation.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Keep counting

In the moment of weakness shrouded by frustration and anger,counting your blessings just makes everything disappears.It reminds you how lucky you are to be bestowed with such blessings.So lucky,that possibly half of it you don't even deserved to begin with.

I keep telling myself it's not possible to have everything.The grass is NOT greener on the other side but its greener where you water it.

Work is truly major pain in the tush but let's just keep hoping for something good to turn out or this #IDGAF phase i'm in shall turn to #FTS phase!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Oh,hello there.Greetings(if there is any soul reading)

what's up?just the normal routine in a working mom's,play time and getting some much needed zzzz.

work?things get really crazy at work these days.with the whole downward turn of brent crude took a toll on my works.Budget revision,revisiting KBPI yada yada yada (ya' know,the boring stuff).The only thing that makes work bearable these days are my fitness classes time!started going to the classes for the past four weeks.

this shamoo needs to lose the excess kilos so bad!after two pregnancies,if i can sell off my fat,i'd probably be a millionaire!so,started going to sh'bam,body vive and alternating yoga classes in between.the most painful class?that's gotta be yoga.good news,i'm still flexible but bad news?my core was as bad as 50year old aunty!so i made it my resolution to strengthen my core and eventually,my whole body.(finger cross i won't give up halfway).

Trying to eat clean but everytime i wanna start off with breakfast,somehow like a person being hypnotized,i'm having nasi lemak for bfast!the regret only comes after i'm done with a packet of it!Diet police should come and arrest me.

As for weight loss?i try not to weigh myself as's just numbers(more like i dont wanna scream my lungs out when i see the scale!).breastfeeding helps moms lose weight?that benefit of breastfeeding definitely eludes me.

so,let's hope i can continue with this journey and not stall or give up halfway!

till next time,folks.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Of Being a Mom

ok,first let me put it out there.I'm a working mom with two babies under two years old and we have a help at home.I'm pro-vaccine,i'm an exclusive pumping mom,i don't fixate on all natural birth.In fact,i begged for epidural for my second delivery but to no avail.i just hope all the judging of how moms navigate their ways through motherhood to STOP!capiche?

It irks me to no end that certains moms tried so hard to cement and shove their beliefs to other moms who don't conform to their ways.The eye-rolling,the forced advocacy made moms felt terrible about themselves.Motherhood ain't a competition who raises their kids better! There are more ways to raise a child than what you believe! Different circumstances permit different ways of raising a child.for instance,i exclusively pump and both of my babies refused to latch.I know with the right technique i could get them to directly feed but i choose to spend time playing with them,cuddle them than to take time teaching them to latch that usually ended up with both parties frustrated and in tears.and please be known that to exclusive pump took a lot of commitment and pain!And these so-called Legion of au naturale moms judged me like i'm too lazy.Good on ya that you came with your nipple blazing and your babies came out being obssesed with your boobs!mine just don't.It was heartbreaking at first but seeing they are growing up just fine,i'm fine feeding isn't the only way to bond with your child!duhhh.Your children are programmed to love their moms anyway!

At the end of the day,its always about the child.As long as you and your child are happy,that is all that matter.Screw the naysayers.The child doesnt come from their womb and its not them dealing with that child's tantrums.Your child,your way!