Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Milan's Grand Entrance

(Warning :if you're faint hearted or waiting for impending birth,skip this post by all means!what you're about to read definitely isn't rainbows and unicorns.)

So,at 37weeks i was sort of done being pregnant and i felt so tired!tried having pregnancies back to back.i felt like i was perpetually pregnant!Braxton Hicks at that point had became my new BFF.I had countless of false alarms and been to LR twice only to be sent back and just wait for it to happen.Honestly,i was so anxious and tired i didn't mind being induced there and then.But of course there was no way my gynae would induce me as i was still 2 weeks away from due date with no signs of Labour.

Lo and behold,at 38w3d i had my bloody show but still it wasn't sign of active labour.Went for a quick holiday with the in laws and walked a lot just to speed up the process but mehhh,still not progressing.

at 38w6d,went out for errands and had dinner.Around 10ish had contractions but i thought it was just BH and told myself i wasn't gonna fall for it,again!it got stronger and i couldn't sleep.Even in my 2nd pregnancy i couldn't tell the difference between real contraction and BH apart because i was induced for my 1st pregnancy.At 2am,i told bubs i couldn't take it anymore and we needed to go to Labour room.Still,in my head i had a feeling we would be sent back and didn't even bring hospital bags.

Got to Labour room,the midwife checked and i was 5cm dilated!I was elated knowing it would all be over soon and told myself to keep calm and ask for epidural.(i planned to get epidural since i knew i was pregnant).But because i was already 5cm dilated,they couldn't give me epidural and could only give me Pethidine  or just take the ethonox gas.Contractions were really painful!i was a crybaby and begged the nurse to give me pethidine even i was already 7cm.mehhh,pethidine was no help at all.just made me really sleepy.

at 10am,OBgyn came in and told me i was fully dilated and ready to push.i was still sleepy from the painkiller but pushed anyway.Again,the baby needed to be vacuum as he was still quite far up and delaying the push could cause stress to the baby and of course i had to have episiotomy to accomodate the vacuum.

Few strong pushes and pulls,the boy finally made his entrance!wanted to do DCC but uh oh,there was a slight problem,his cords were wayyy too short.No skin to skin time and hubs was chased away from the room.And the real blood and gore episode began.i couldn't deliver the placenta naturally as the cords were broken into 3 pieces!so,another epi to get that thing out!did i tell you the OB used his hand to grab the placenta?oh yes,he did.felt like a thanksgiving turkey being stuffed!it was super painful and i could only take the laughing gas.the were so much blood and the LR looked like a scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre!got stitched and i was feeling real sore from all the pushing.Went up to the ward,i was feeling woozy and light from the pethidine and laughing gas.

But when i held my baby boy in my arms,the pain was all worth it.There he was my healthy 3.1kg boy.With the whole traumatizing experience,i think i'm done with pregnancy and delivery for now.Let's wait 3,4 years before i'm back in the game.

Btw i really do feel that Male OBGYN does a better job than Female OBGYN.Mine was Dr Zamri from DEMC and he was very gentle and very meticulous.His stitch works was awesome too.For my first born,it took about more than two weeks for my stitch to heal and for the sore to go away.but this time around,it only took about 10days and i had no complain!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Baby No.2

*wipes cobwebs and dusts* 

again,my resolution to blog as often as i could came to a complete failure.Not sorry about it though.In between giving birth,breastfeeding and running after a year old,momma ain't got time.

let's cut to the chase.Alhamdullilah,our little boy is here to join our little awesome clan.Gave birth on 23rd Oct 2014 at 10.39am to a 3.1kg boy.I'll save the whole blood and gore of the delivery episode later.

Alhamdullilah that our little boy is all healthy.He is our perfect little boy.He fusses a little bit but babies are fussy creatures so i'll take that any day.

After a long list and arguments of possible names,we decided on Nik Milan Yusuff.if you think for a second that we named him after the football club,then you are wrong as you can be.(Hubs is Real Madrid and Chelsea's fan btw).Milan in old chechen/slavic language means "Loving and kind" and Yusuff is simply because we aspire him to be as great as the prophet.

and here is the precious boy: